When the Going Gets Tough

Jason Silver  |  Pastor & Author


It’s unbelievable how many people I’ve run into lately that have left their church.

And it’s usually for petty reasons, “I didn’t like how they did the offering.” “I didn’t like the music style.” “The Pastor wasn’t as friendly as I would have liked.”

Listen I could understand and fully support leaving a local Church if they were preaching false teachings, denied the deity of Christ, or you were called out to another ministry.

But these are rarely the reasons for most folks leaving.

I don’t understand the mentality of some Christians nowadays.

It’s like some kind of rampant consumerism. When folks first come to your Church they love it, they say things like “Pastor we’re behind you all the way! Whatever you need, just ask!” But this offer stands only as long as they’re happy with your performance. You don’t preach anything that challenges them to change. Or they have difficult challenge in a relationship with someone else in the Church.

Listen….The local Church is not a social club, it’s not there only to serve you and your desires. It’s purpose is to follow God’s desires and strive to be a representation of Jesus Christ body in the earth.

Is any Church perfect in this purpose? No! 

But it certainly doesn’t help when people keep leaving, and backing out of commitments every time they see something they don’t like in a Church.

I’ve literally seen people do this for years, until there’s not one local church left that they haven’t found some fault with. So they just don’t go anywhere, they say things like, “Well I just read my Bible and seek Jesus at home…” Listen… if you get Jesus, you get His Church too! You cannot say you love God, but hate His body. It simply doesn’t work compute in the kingdom of God.

I’m not angry at anyone, but I am frustrated with this vicious cycle. I’ve grown up in the Church all my life, and this issue exists and persists in all Church circles. I watched so many ministries crash and burn.

And what irks me about it is… it’s almost always an inside job.

Church… let’s get over our petty offenses and preferential differences and get busy with spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom of light and hope in Christ! Let’s stop devouring one another with our words, let’s grow up, build up and mature.

And for the love of God; let’s stop majoring on the minors. Let’s let go of the non-essentials and focus on what brings glory to God as His body.

Many different parts working together as ONE!



Jason currently pastors New Victory Church in Calgary, Alberta Canada. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, authored two books, and has been in full-time pastoral ministry for over 25 years. He passionately loves God and people with a heart to see everyone walk out of their full potential in Christ living out the kingdom of Heaven on Earth.


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